Neighborhood Refreshment

I know close to nothing about graffitis, its history or its popular artists but I’ve always admire how they can turn a shitty looking building or wall into something with a little more life.

Yesterday I came across a “best of” of Banksy work. Banksy is an England based graffiti artist and, as you will see, a political activist. So take a look at these cute little pics, check out Buzzfeed for more or jfg (just fucking google) Banksy.

Banksy pig ride

Banksy gorilla

Banksy Bananas

Who doesn’t like Bananas?? Even if they are holding a gun

Banksy Rat and girl

Looking at the state of these walls, it’s refreshing to have a little art, even if it includes a rat

Rat banksy graffiti



Banksy heart and peace

And let the last one be cute